I go to that device and try to install, and it refers me back to a screen that says 'Windows found driver software for your device but encountered an error when trying to install it' and then lists the mobile device driver as the issue. This allows the 'Mobile Device' driver to show up, where my iPhone now charges when I plug it into the computer. The option to 'Roll Back' to the previously installed driver is there, so I chose that to see what happened. I have tried restarting my computer, downloading iTunes over, and trying the solution where I change the driver to a Common Files-Apple-Mobile Device Support-Drivers section, and when I do that, it says 'Windows has determined the driver software for your device is up to date', although the little yellow exclamation point box is found beside it. Every time I plug my iPhone in, the driver says unsuccessfully installed. There is an issue with the 'USB Mobile Device Driver' that I have been unable to fix. It is showing up in the 'My Computer' section as a device. The problem is, my iPhone isn't showing up in iTunes. I just got a new phone, and I'm trying to restore it from a backup of my old one.